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Component Third Party Dependencies

In this document we list out the third party dependencies for the Sclera components, and the installer.

These dependencies are not distributed with Sclera, but are downloaded directly from a repository during installation of the respective component.

Sclera Component Dependencies

The following table lists the direct third-party library dependencies for each Sclera component, along with the dependency's license. Clicking on the mentioned license name will take you to the license statement. For a more complete list, please see the file NOTICE.txt in the source of the respective components.

Component Dependency Dependency License
Sclera - Core Engine H2 Database H2 License version 1.0
Logback Eclipse Public License version 1.0
HikariCP Apache License version 2.0
Sclera - Configuration Manager Typesafe Config Apache License version 2.0
Logback Eclipse Public License version 1.0
Sclera - Command Line Shell JLine3 BSD 3-Clause License
Jansi Apache License v2.0
Logback Eclipse Public License version 1.0
Sclera - Oracle Connector Oracle JDBC Driver OTN License Agreement
Sclera - MySQL Connector MySQL Connector/J GNU GPL v2 with FOSS Exception
Sclera - PostgreSQL Connector PostgreSQL JDBC Driver BSD License
Sclera - CSV File Connector Apache Commons CSV Apache License version 2.0
Sclera - Apache OpenNLP Connector Apache OpenNLP version 1.5.3 Apache License version 2.0
Sclera - Weka Connector Weka GNU General Public License version 2
Sclera - Web Display D3 BSD 3-Clause License
D3 SVG Legend D3-Legend License
Javalin Apache License v2.0
Logback Eclipse Public License version 1.0

Installer Dependencies

The following table lists the dependencies for the Sclera installer. Clicking on the mentioned license name will take you to the license statement.

Dependency Dependency License
SBT Launcher Interface Apache License 2.0