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Standard SQL

In this section, we describe the standard SQL constructs and query clauses supported by Sclera. The extensions are covered in later sections.

The SQL constructs discussed below enable you to create, populate, query, update and delete base tables; these lie at the core of Sclera, and are supported across all editions.

Sclera supports a significant subset of standard SQL. The specific SQL dialect is largely compatible with PostgreSQL. In addition, Sclera supports a few proprietary short-cuts that, in our opinion, make the scripts more compact and readable.

This section is neither a tutorial, nor a formal specification of the supported SQL, and only serves as a guide illustrating the differences between Sclera's SQL and the PostgreSQL's SQL commands. If you need help with the basics, or want a more formal description, we suggest that you read this section alongside PostgreSQL's excellent documentation.

Syntax Notation: [ .. ] means optional, | separates the alternatives, [ .. | .. ] lists alternatives at most one of which should be included, { .. | .. } lists alternatives exactly one of which should be included, and [, ...] stands for comma-separated repeats of the immediately preceding expression. In the following, the keywords appear in upper case to distinguish them from the other terms; however, Sclera is case-insensitive and keywords in actual commands and queries can be in upper or lower case.

We start with describing the syntax of a scalar expression, followed with that of a select expression (or, query). Next, we describe the syntax of SQL commands for creating base tables, inserting, updating, deleting data in base tables, and finally dropping base tables. This is followed with commands for creating and dropping views. Finally, we describe the data types supported by ScleraSQL, and the reserved words that cannot be used except as a part of the SQL syntax.

Scalar Expressions

A scalar expression (equivalently, a scalar_expression) can be any of the following:

  • A NULL or a constant
  • A column reference to a column in any of the from_item elements in the FROM clause. The column reference can be qualified by the associated table name or alias.
  • An expression with a type cast. The type cast can be used to convert the type of an expression to a supported data type.
  • A scalar subquery, which is a SQL query, enclosed in parenthesis, whose result can have exactly one column and at most one row. If the result is empty, the value of the subquery is NULL, otherwise it gets the value of the column in the returned row.
    • Sclera does not support correlated subqueries; in other words, you should be able to execute the scalar subquery as a stand-alone SQL query. The SQL standard is more general as it allows subqueries with expressions containing parameters coupling it to the enclosing query (see PostgreSQL's documentation).
  • An aggregate expression. Aggregate expressions can only appear in the SELECT clause, ORDER BY clause, or HAVING clause.
  • A complex scalar expression constructed by applying supported functions and operators on other scalar expressions.

The expressions in Sclera are mostly compliant with the supported subset of the SQL standard and PostgreSQL. The difference is in lack of support for correlated subqueries, extended data types and associated functions and operators.

Querying Data using Select Expressions

A SELECT statement (equivalently, a select_expression) has the following syntax:

SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( expression [, ...] ) ] ]
       { expression [ [ AS ] output_name ] | abbreviation } [, ...]
[ FROM from_item [, ...] ]
[ WHERE condition ]
[ GROUP BY expression [, ...] ]
[ HAVING condition [, ...] ]
[ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL | DISTINCT ] select_expression ]
[ ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] ]
[ LIMIT count [ ROW | ROWS ] ]
[ OFFSET start [ ROW | ROWS ] ]
[ FETCH [ FIRST | NEXT ] [ count ] [ ROW | ROWS ] ONLY ]

This is a restriction of PostgreSQL's select statement syntax.

The semantics of a select_expression (that is, SQL engine's interpretation of what is to be evaluated), and description of the various clauses appears below. The clauses are explained roughly in the order in which they are executed by Sclera's execution engine.

FROM Clause

The FROM clause specifies the input to the query as a list of from_item elements.

Each from_item in the FROM clause can be one of:

  • [location_name.]table_name [ [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ] ]
    • table_name is a base table at the data location location_name.
      • If the table_name is unique across the locations, you can omit the location_name.
    • alias, when specified, becomes the substitute name for table_name within the scope of the query. If alias is specified, table_name can no longer be used in any expression.
    • column_alias, when specified, becomes the substitute name for the corresponding column in the table table_name. If column_alias is specified for a column, the original column name can no longer be used in any expression.
      • If the number of column aliases is less than the number of columns in table_name, the remaining columns of table_name retain their original names.
      • If the number of column aliases is more than the number of columns in table_name, the remaining columns aliases are ignored.
  • ( select_expression ) [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ]
    • Defines a virtual table computed using the nested select_expression and referenced using the name alias.
    • By default, the output columns of the nested select_expression become the columns of the virtual table. However, if a column_alias list is specified, it overrides these default names, as earlier.
  • VALUES ( constant [, ...] ) [, ...] [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ]
    • Defines a virtual table containing the rows enumerated explicitly as a comma-separated list of tuples, and referenced using the name alias. Note that all the rows must confirm to the same schema -- that is, each row must have the same number of elements, and the element at a given position in each row must have the same data type.
    • By default, the Sclera assigns unique names to the columns in the rows. However, if a column_alias list is specified, it overrides these default names, as earlier.
  • from_item [ NATURAL ] join_type from_item [ ON join_condition | USING ( join_column [, ...] ) ]
    • Defines a composite from_item formed by joining two from_item elements, hereafter referred to as inputs.
    • join_type can be one of [ INNER ] JOIN, LEFT [ OUTER ] JOIN, RIGHT [ OUTER ] JOIN, FULL [ OUTER ] JOIN or CROSS JOIN (recall that words in [ .. ] are optional -- here, the words INNER and OUTER are just syntactic sugar).
    • If the join_type is not a CROSS JOIN, you can specify at most one of the ON join_condition, USING ( join_column [, ...] ) ] or NATURAL.
      • The join_condition in ON is a boolean-valued expression on the consolidated output columns of the two inputs.
      • The join_column list in USING is shorthand for a join condition which is a conjunct of equalities among columns with the same name. Also, the output contains only one copy of the common columns in the join_column list.
        • Example: X JOIN Y USING (A, B) is shorthand for X JOIN Y ON (X.A = Y.A AND X.B = Y.B). The output contains only one copy of columns A and B.
      • The NATURAL is a shorthand for a USING with the join_column list containing all columns with the same name across the two inputs; these column names need not be specified explicitly when NATURAL is used.
        • Example: Given table X with columns A, B, C and table Y with columns B, C, D, the from_item X NATURAL JOIN Y is shorthand for X JOIN Y USING (B, C).
      • If none of the ON, USING or NATURAL are specified, the join is considered a CROSS JOIN.
    • If the join_type is a CROSS JOIN, none of the ON, USING or NATURAL should be specified.

A comma-separated list of more than one from_item elements translates to a cross-product of these elements, right to left; this cross-product is rewritten to an INNER JOIN by the optimizer if the WHERE clause includes cross-input predicates.

The FROM clause is optional. If the clause is absent, the input is implicit as a single row with a single NULL-valued column.

This clause is compliant with the supported subset of the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.

Cross-System Joins

When a join contains inputs from more than one database system, it is a cross-system join.

While planning the evaluation of cross-system joins, Sclera considers the left input of a join larger than the right input, and prefers moving the right input to the left input's location. The ordering of the from_items in a FROM clause thus matters when evaluating cross-system joins (see the technical documentation for details). While this enables you to control how data is moved while evaluating a query, you need to pay special attention to this ordering -- especially when significant amounts of data needs to be transfered.

In any case, when evaluating a query with a cross-system join, please take a close look at the query's evaluation plan (obtained using the EXPLAIN shell command) before submitting the query.

WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause specifies a boolean expression on the column names in the output of the FROM clause. This boolean expression is used to filter the rows in the input.

The boolean expression can only contain column names in the output of the FROM clause, and cannot contain an aggregate expression.

The WHERE clause is optional. If the clause is absent, the input is not filtered.

This clause is compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.


The GROUP BY clause groups the input rows, creating a group for each distinct combination of the GROUP BY expressions.

The clause works with aggregate functions in the SELECT clause, ORDER BY clause, and/or HAVING clause. These clauses generate a row for each group, which can then be output, or used for ordering or filtering the result.

Each expression in SELECT, ORDER BY or HAVING clauses not appearing within an aggregate function must build on the GROUP BY expressions or constants. The output is a row for each group.

The GROUP BY clause in Sclera is mostly compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL. In SQL standard and PostgreSQL, you can include an expression in the SELECT clause in the GROUP BY list by specifying its position number. This is not allowed in Sclera; instead, you can associate the SELECT expression with an alias (output_name in the syntax stated above) and use that in the GROUP BY list.


The mandatory SELECT clause specifies the output of the query. The specification consists of a list of scalar expressions, optionally associated with alias names.

Each scalar expression in the clause corresponds to a column in the output; the name of the column is the expression's alias name, or an automatically generated name.

The SELECT expressions can only contain column names in the output of the FROM clause, and may include aggregate expressions.


SQL provides certain abbreviations when specifying the SELECT expression list. An abbreviation is a special expression that expands to an expression list on compilation. In Sclera, an abbreviation can be one of the following:

  • * [EXCEPT column_list]: The * expands to an expression list consists of all the columns in the output of the FROM clause. If EXCEPT column_list is specified, then the columns in the column_list are not included in the expansion.
  • alias.* [EXCEPT column_list]: The alias.* expands to an expression list consists of all the columns in the from_item with alias alias in the FROM clause. If EXCEPT column_list is specified, then the columns in the column_list are not included in the expansion.

In the above, column_list is either a column_alias, or a comma-separated column_alias list in parenthesis.

The EXCEPT modifier is a Sclera addition to the syntax, it is not supported in the SQL standard or in PostgreSQL.

Abbreviations cannot be used in the SELECT clause if a GROUP BY clause is present in the query.


The select clause also has an optional DISTINCT clause, included between SELECT and the expression list, which comes in two variants.

  • The first variant, specified by the modifier DISTINCT, eliminates duplicate rows in the output. This clause is part of the SQL standard.
  • The second variant, specified by DISTINCT ON (expression [, ...]), is a generalization of the first variant. The rows are grouped based on the distinct values of the DISTINCT ON expressions, and one row from each row is output. If more than one rows exist in a group, this choice is arbitrary. However, if an ORDER BY clause is present in the query, the rows in each group are first ordered, and the first row (in the resulting sorted order of rows) is chosen for output. This variant is also supported by PostgreSQL, but is not a part of the SQL standard.


If the SELECT expressions include aggregate expressions, then the input rows are aggregated.

If a GROUP BY clause is present, there is a group for each distinct combination of the GROUP BY expression values; otherwise all the input rows form a single group. The rows in each group are aggregated based on the aggregate expressions, resulting in one output row for each group.

For the above computation to be valid, all column names that do not appear as expressions in the GROUP BY clause (and are hence not constant within a group), must appear within an aggregation function.

The SELECT clause in Sclera is compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.


The HAVING clause specifies a boolean-valued aggregate expression that is evaluated in the same way as the aggregate expressions in SELECT clause.

However, unlike the SELECT clause, the resulting value is not output. Instead, it is used to filter the aggregation result.

This clause is compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.


The UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT clauses are used to compute the set union, intersection or difference, respectively, on the result of two queries.

The modifier DISTINCT removes duplicate rows in the computed result; this is also the default when no modifier is specified. To disable the removal of duplicate rows, you can specify ALL instead.

These clauses in Sclera are compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.

Cross-System Set Operations

When the clause contains queries evaluated at more than one system, it specifies a cross-system set operation.

To evaluate a cross-system set operation, Sclera needs both the query results to be present at a single location; let us call this the "target location" for the set operation. This target location is decided as follows:

  • For each query, Sclera finds the location of the query result after evaluation. These locations are the candidates for the target location, and are listed in the order of appearance of the corresponding queries.
  • From this list, Sclera then removes the Cache Store, if present, as well as the "read-only" locations.
  • If the list is empty, Sclera assigns the Cache Store as the target location. This has the effect that cross-system set operations across read-only locations are evaluated by evaluating both the queries, and moving the query results to the cache store; the set operation is then computed at the cache store.
  • If the list is not empty, Sclera assigns the location on the left in the list as the target location. This has the effect that the query in the other location is evaluated, and its result is moved to the target location. The set operation is then computed along with the evaluation of the query in the target location.

The ordering of the queries thus matters when evaluating cross-system set operations. While this enables you to control how data is moved while evaluating the queries containing set operations, you need to pay special attention to this ordering -- especially when significant amounts of data needs to be transfered.

In any case, when evaluating a query with a cross-system set operation, please take a close look at the query's evaluation plan (obtained using the EXPLAIN shell command) before submitting the query.

In the current version, Sclera moves data from a "source" to a "target" database system by reading in the data from the source and inserting it into a temporary table in the target. This transfer is done in a streaming (pipelined) manner wherever possible, to avoid reading the entire result in memory. This could be a bottleneck when large amounts of data (millions of rows) are transferred. More efficient data transfer mechanisms will be in place in later versions of Sclera.


The ORDER BY clause specifies a list of scalar expressions that determines the sort order of the computed result.

The optional modifiers ASC (for ascending) or DESC (for descending) associated with each expression in the ORDER BY list determine how that particular expression should be considered while determining the overall sort order. When ASC is specified, the larger values are ordered after the smaller values, and the NULLS are ordered after all values. When DESC is specified, the smaller values are ordered after the larger values, and the NULLS are ordered before all values. The default is ASC.

The optional NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST modifiers force the NULLS to be ordered before or after all values.

The ORDER BY clause in Sclera is mostly compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL. In SQL standard and PostgreSQL, you can include an expression in the SELECT clause in the ORDER BY list by specifying its position number. This is not allowed in Sclera; instead, you can associate the SELECT expression with an alias (output_name in the syntax stated above) and use that in the ORDER BY list.


The LIMIT clause retains the specified number of initial rows in the result. If the result has less than the specified number of rows, this clause has no effect.

The FETCH clause is an alternative to LIMIT, with a relatively verbose syntax. Here, again, you can specify the number of initial rows to retain in the result; but you can also say FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY to retain only the first row, if present. In general, the words FIRST, NEXT, ROW and ROWS are optional syntactic sugar; the number of initial rows, if not specified, defaults to 1.

A query can have either the LIMIT clause or the FETCH clause.

The OFFSET clause discards the specified number of initial rows in the result. If the result has less than the specified number of rows, all rows are discarded.

When both the OFFSET and the LIMIT (or FETCH) clauses are present in a query, the OFFSET clause applies before the LIMIT (or FETCH) clause.

In absence of an ORDER BY clause, the query result is in arbitrary order and consequently, the retained/discarded row set is not deterministic (i.e. a different set of rows may be retained/discarded on each invocation). As such, the recommended use of these clauses is in conjunction with the ORDER BY clause.

The FETCH and OFFSET clauses in Sclera are compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL. The LIMIT clause is supported in PostgreSQL, but not in the SQL standard.

Querying Data Using Generalized Table Expressions

In standard SQL, as well as in PostgreSQL and other relational databases, a query is restricted to the SELECT statement described above.

Sclera generalizes the query syntax such that anything that can appear in the FROM clause, possibly without the alias, is accepted as a query. We call this a table_expression. To recap, this includes:

  • A standard SELECT statement.
  • A base table name, possibly qualified with a location. You can rename the table and the columns the same way you could in the FROM clause.
    • Syntax: [location_name.]table_name [ [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ] ] (see above for explanation)
  • A values expression, which explicitly lists out the rows.
    • Syntax: VALUES ( constant [, ...] ) [, ...] [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ] (see above for explanation)
  • A join expression involving nested table_expression elements.
    • Syntax: table_expression [ NATURAL ] join_type table_expression [ ON join_condition | USING ( join_column [, ...] ) ] (see above for explanation)
  • A table expression in parenthesis, with optional alias.
    • Syntax: ( table_expression ) [ [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ] ]

In addition, a table_expression can have additional WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH clauses. This is not supported in the standard SQL FROM clause.

  • A table expression with a WHERE clause.
    • Syntax: ( table_expression ) WHERE condition
  • A table expression with an ORDER BY clause.
    • Syntax: ( table_expression ) ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] ]
  • A table expression with LIMIT, FETCH and/or OFFSET clauses
    • Syntax: ( table_expression ) [ LIMIT count [ ROW | ROWS ] ] [ OFFSET start [ ROW | ROWS ] ] [ FETCH [ FIRST | NEXT ] [ count ] [ ROW | ROWS ] ONLY ]

Using this generalized syntax, to get the contents of the table ORDERS, you just need to say


instead of the unnecessarily verbose


To filter and limit, you can say


instead of


Similarly, to get the join of the tables ORDERS and CUSTOMERS, you just need to say


instead of the verbose


Further, we can union the above with another table PREV by saying


instead of the standard


The queries in the verbose standard SELECT syntax are still valid, but the equivalent queries in the extended syntax are more compact. As we can see, the difference is more pronounced in more complex queries.

Base Tables

In this section we describe Sclera's SQL commands for creating, updating and deleting base tables.

Creating Base Tables

Creating tables in Sclera is different from adding tables to Sclera using the ADD TABLE command. The latter merely imports the metadata of an existing table into Sclera. The create table commands, described below, create a new table.

The net effect of these commands is (a) creating the table on the underlying database system, and (b) adding the table metadata to Sclera's metadata store.

If the database system understands SQL (e.g. MySQL), Sclera creates the table by generating the appropriate CREATE TABLE command, taking care of dialect and datatype differences; if the database system does not understand SQL (e.g. NoSQL datastores), Sclera uses the system's API (or any other available mechanism) to create an underlying structure that is compatible with the metadata specified in the command.

The CREATE TABLE command has two variants. The first variant creates an empty table. The second variant creates a table, and also populates it with the result of a query.

Creating Empty Tables

The syntax of the CREATE TABLE command is as follows:

CREATE [ { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE [location_name.]table_name (
  column_name data_type [ column_constraint [ ... ] ] [, ...]
  [ , table_constraint [, ...] ]

This creates a new, empty table (persistent or temporary) with the name table_name at location location_name (or the default location, if location_name is omitted), consisting of columns with names and types given by the associated column_name and column_type, and with column and table constraints specified by column_constraint and table_constraint. These terms are described in turn below.

Temporary Modifier

The optional TEMPORARY (shortened form: TEMP) modifier in CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE creates a table that exists for the duration of the Sclera session only. When the session ends, the table is deleted from the underlying database system and its metadata is removed from Sclera's metadata store.

Table Name

The mandatory table_name is the name of the table to be created.

You can optionally qualify the name with location_name, the name of the location where the table is to be created. If the location_name is omitted, the table is created at the default location.

Columns and Their Types

A table needs to have at least one column. You can specify the list of columns and their types as a comma-separated list of column_name and data_type pairs.

The data_type must be one of the data types supported by Sclera.

Column Constraints

With each column in the column list, you can optionally specify a set of column constraints. Each column_constraint can be one of:

  • NOT NULL: This column can never be NULL. The constraint is checked while inserting rows into the underlying table.
  • PRIMARY KEY: This column is the primary key of the table -- as such, it must never be NULL, and a value of the column must be unique across all the rows in the table. This constraint can be specified for at most one column, and cannot be specified along with a PRIMARY KEY table constraint.
  • REFERENCES [location_name.]table_name [ (column_name) ]: This column references the table table_name. The table with the name specified by table_name must be present in an underlying database system (if table_name is not unique across locations, the location_name must be specified). Further:

    • If the column_name is specified, the table table_name must contain a column with the name specified by column_name of the same type as this column and with a PRIMARY KEY constraint. Also, for each row in this table, either this column is NULL, or there exists a row in table table_name with a matching value in the column column_name.
    • If the column_name is not specified, the table table_name must have a primary key, which must be of the same type as this column. Also, for each row in this table, either this column is NULL, or there exists a row in table table_name with a matching primary key value.

    When the column_name is not specified, or equivalently, when it is the primary key of the table table_name, this column is called a foreign key (to table table_name).

Table Constraints

A table constraint is a constraint on an entire row of the table, rather than a single column. Table constraints are more general than column constraints; each column_constraint mentioned above can be equivalently stated as a table_constraint. However, table constraint also allows you to specify multi-column primary keys and references/foreign keys.

The optional table_constraint list appears as a continuation of the column list. Each table_constraint can be one of:

  • PRIMARY KEY ( column_name [, ...] ): The set of columns within the parenthesis the primary key of the table. As such, each of these columns can never be NULL, and the combined set of values of these columns must be unique across all the rows in the table. This constraint cannot be specified along with a PRIMARY KEY column constraint.
  • FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ...] ) REFERENCES [location_name.]table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]: The list of columns references the table table_name. The table with the name specified by table_name must be present in an underlying database system (if table_name is not unique across locations, the location_name must be specified). Further:
    • If the reference table's column_name list is specified, (a) it must have the same number of columns as the foreign key list, (b) the table table_name must contain each column in the reference list and these columns must collectively have a PRIMARY KEY constraint, and (c) each column of the reference list must have the same type as the corresponding column (i.e. at the same position) in the foreign key list. Also, for each row in this table, either some column in the foreign-key list is NULL, or there exists a row in table table_name with a matching set of values of the respective columns in the reference list.
    • If the reference table's column_name list is not specified, the table table_name must have a primary key, which (a) must have the same number of columns as the foreign key list, and (b) each column of this primary key must have the same type as the corresponding column (i.e. at the same position) in the foreign key list. Also, for each row in this table, either some column in the foreign-key list is NULL, or there exists a row in table table_name with a matching set of values of the respective columns in the primary key.

Note that Sclera does not enforce the column or table constraints described above. Sclera passes on these constraints to the underlying database system, if possible, and it is the responsibility of the underlying database system to check for these constraints. Nevertheless, Sclera assumes that these constraints hold while querying the data in the tables. While creating tables on database systems which do not enforce such constraints, it is the responsibility of the user to make sure that these constraints hold while inserting rows into the table.

This statement is restricted in comparison, but compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.

Creating Tables with Query Results

This variant of the CREATE TABLE statement enables you to create a table, and populates it with the result of the given query. This is more efficient than performing the two tasks one after another, especially in transactional systems such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. Also, this is sometimes more convenient because you need not specify the schema explicitly; if not specified, the schema is derived from the output schema of the given query.

The standard syntax of the CREATE TABLE AS command is as follows:

CREATE [ { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE [location_name.]table_name [ (
  column_name data_type [ column_constraint [ ... ] ] [, ...]
  [ , table_constraint [, ...] ]
) ] AS select_expression

where select_expression is as described earlier. This is almost identical to the CREATE TABLE syntax, except the new select_expression, and that the schema description (column definitions, column and table constraint specifications) is now optional.

Sclera generalizes this expression to accept a table_expression instead of a select_expression. The generalized syntax is:

CREATE [ { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE [location_name.]table_name [ (
  column_name data_type [ column_constraint [ ... ] ] [, ...]
  [ , table_constraint [, ...] ]
) ] AS table_expression

Note that since select_expression is a table_expression, statements in the standard syntax continues to be valid in this updated syntax.

As in the case of queries, this generalization simplifies the CREATE TABLE AS statements.

For instance, you can say:


instead of the standard:


This statement is restricted in comparison, but compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.

Inserting Rows into a Base Table

The INSERT statement inserts rows into an existing base table.

The standard syntax of the INSERT statement is as follows:

INSERT INTO [location_name.]table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] (select_expression | values_expression)

Here, table_name is a base table at location location_name, into which the rows in the result of select_expression or value_expression will be inserted. The select_expression stands for the SELECT statement described earlier, and the value_expression stands for the VALUES clause discussed earlier, possibly without the alias.

In the above, the location_name can be omitted if table_name is unique across locations.

Sclera generalizes the syntax to:

INSERT INTO [location_name.]table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] table_expression

wherein the select_expression or value_expression have been replaced with table_expression. Recall that a select_expression or a value_expression is a table_expression as well; so the standard syntax continues to be valid.

The optional column_name explicitly lists the table columns; each column in the list must be present in the table schema. If this list is not specified, it is taken to be the list of columns in the schema of the table table_name, in the order in which they were listed while creating the table. Given this explicit/implicit list, the following should hold:

  • It must have the same number of columns as the result of the table_expression.
  • For each column in the list, the type of a column in the table table_name must be compatible with the type of the corresponding (i.e. at the same position) column in the result.

If the column_name list is explicitly specified, any column in the table table_name which does not appear in the list gets a NULL for every row inserted.

This statement is restricted in comparison, but compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.

Updating Rows in a Base Table

The UPDATE statement updates the value of one or more columns in rows in a base table.

The syntax supported in Sclera is as follows:

UPDATE [location_name.]table_name
SET { column_name = scalar_expression } [, ...]
[ WHERE condition ]

Here, table_name is the name of the table to be updated. The table must exist at the location location_name. The location_name can be omitted if table_name is unique across locations.

The optional WHERE clause specifies the condition (a boolean-valued scalar_expression) that a row in the table must satisfy to be eligible for the update; rows that do not satisfy this condition are left unchanged. If the WHERE clause is not present, the update applies to all rows in the table.

The update to a row is specified by the SET clause, which contains a comma-separated list of "assignments". Each assignment specifies that given an eligible row, the column with the name specified by column_name should get the value obtained by evaluation of the scalar_expression on that row. The update proceeds by executing the specified list of assignments on each eligible row.

This syntax is compatible with the SQL standard, but is a restricted version of the syntax supported in PostgreSQL.

Deleting Rows in a Base Table

The DELETE statement deletes rows in a base table.

The syntax supported in Sclera is as follows:

DELETE FROM [location_name.]table_name
[ WHERE condition ]

Here, table_name is the name of the table from which rows are to be deleted. The table must exist at the location location_name. The location_name can be omitted if table_name is unique across locations.

The optional WHERE clause specifies the condition (a boolean-valued scalar_expression) that a row in the table must satisfy to be eligible for deletion; rows that do not satisfy this condition are left unchanged. If the WHERE clause is not present, all rows in the table are deleted.

This syntax is a restricted version of that supported in the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.

Dropping Base Tables

The DROP TABLE statement drops a base table from Sclera as well as the underlying database system.

This statement is similar to the REMOVE TABLE statement. However, REMOVE TABLE only removes the metadata of the named table from Sclera; it does not drop the table from the underlying data store. DROP TABLE remove the table's metadata from Sclera and also drops the table from the underlying datastore.

The syntax supported in Sclera is as follows:

DROP TABLE [location_name.]table_name

Here, table_name is the name of the table to be dropped. The table must exist at the location location_name. The location_name can be omitted if table_name is unique across locations.

This syntax is a restricted version of that supported in the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.


A view is a SQL query with the appearance of a read-only table. A view can be used as a base table in any query. But, unlike a base table, a view does not contain any real data; it is just a placeholder for the associated query.

Creating Views

The standard CREATE VIEW statement has the following syntax:

CREATE [ TEMP | TEMPORARY ] VIEW view_name AS select_expression

Sclera generalizes the select_expression to a table_expression, resulting in:

CREATE [ TEMP | TEMPORARY ] VIEW view_name AS table_expression

This statement creates a view with the specified view_name and associates it with the query given by table_expression. Notice the similarity with the CREATE TABLE AS statement.

The optional TEMPORARY or TEMP modifier creates a view that exists for the duration of the Sclera session only. When the session ends, the view is deleted and its metadata is removed from Sclera's metadata store.

Unlike a base table, a view is not attached to a location; this is because the underlying query (specified by the table_expression above) can span multiple locations.

This statement is restricted in comparison, but compliant with the SQL standard and PostgreSQL.

Dropping Views

The DROP VIEW statement drops a view from Sclera.

The syntax supported in Sclera is as follows:

DROP VIEW view_name

Here, view_name is the name of the view to be dropped.

This syntax is compatible with the SQL standard and is a restricted version of that supported in PostgreSQL.