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Using Machine Learning

Sclera provides machine learning via first-class constructs in SQL. You can create objects such as classifiers and clusterers as easily as you create tables -- using a single CREATE ... AS statement. Further, Sclera provides SQL operators that enable classification/clustering of rows as a part of a SQL query.

Off the shelf libraries such as Weka enable you to write applications with embedded machine learning. But to use these libraries without Sclera, you need to learn the proprietary APIs, and write code that complies with the same. This takes a lot of preparation and background, and is highly disruptive.

Sclera provides a set of machine learning operators; these are a part of the SQL language, just like JOIN, WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING and LIMIT in regular SQL. These new operators are evaluated by calling the analytics library of choice -- reformatting the data, calling the right API functions, collating and reformatting the results and all the other boilerplate happens automatically, behind the scenes.

The result is a highly compact "declarative" way of doing analytics, something that you can get started on almost immediately if you know basic SQL.


Consider a table survey with columns:

age int
gender char(1)
region char(4)
income real
married boolean
children int
car boolean
save_act boolean
current_act boolean
mortgage boolean
isinterested boolean

This table contains data from a customer survey, with one row per response. Apart from the customer attributes, it includes a column isinterested on whether or not the customer is interested in your product.

Now, suppose you want to consider a new group of people and identify which of them might be interested in your product versus not.

A classifier is the right tool to help you do this. A classifier estimates the value of a discrete-valued "target" variable given the values of certain "feature" variables. The classifier can be trained given the sample target and feature values for a set of sample instances, called the "training data".

In the example above, the table survey is the training data; each row in the table (representing a unique customer) is a data instance, with the column isinterested as the target variable and the other columns as the feature variables.

The trained classifier can be used to "classify" new data instances -- that is, estimate target values given the feature values in these data instances. In terms of the example, this means identifying the value of isinterested for a new customer, which is what we started out to do.

In this section, we show how to train classifiers in Sclera, and use them to classify new data instances within a SQL query.

Classifier Training

The formal syntax for creating a classifier is as follows:

CREATE [ { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] CLASSIFIER classifier_name ( target_column_name ) USING table_expression

This creates a classifier with the name specified by classifier_name. The classifier is trained using the result of the table expression table_expression, with the column with the name specified by target_column_name as the target, and all the remaining columns in the result as features. The optional TEMPORARY (shortened form: TEMP) modifier creates a classifier that exists for the duration of the Sclera session only; when the session ends, the classifier is deleted.

Notice the similarity with the CREATE TABLE AS statement.

In our running example, the following creates the classifier myclassifier and trains it on the table survey, with the column isinterested as target and the other columns as features:

> CREATE CLASSIFIER myclassifier(isinterested) USING survey;

After the classifier is created, you can see the classifier description using the DESCRIBE command:

> DESCRIBE myclassifier;

Classifier Application

The classifier training learns a function that estimates the value of the target column given the values of the feature columns. Applying the classifier on a table involves computing this function on each row of the table.

This feature introduces a new table expression with the following syntax:

table_expression CLASSIFIED WITH classifier_name ( class_column_name )

In this expression, the classifier with the name specified by classifier_name is used to classify the rows in the result of the table expression table_expression, which must include all the feature columns present in the data on which the classifier was trained (it can include additional columns).

The result contains one row per input row. Each row contains all the columns in the input table_expressions and a new column, with the name as specified in class_column_name, containing the classifier output -- which is the classifier's estimate of the target variable given the feature values in the row.

Continuing our example, consider a new table profiles containing profile of a new group of people. The table profiles includes all the feature columns in of the classifier myclassifier.

We apply the classifier as follows:

> profiles CLASSIFIED WITH myclassifier(isprospect);

The output is a table with all columns in profiles, and a new column isprospect which, for each row, contains the result of applying the classifier function given the feature column values in that row.

This expression can be used in a query just like a table or a view. For instance, the following query gives the count of the prospects and non-prospects in the profiles table.

> SELECT isprospect, COUNT(*)
  FROM (profiles CLASSIFIED WITH myclassifier(isprospect))
  GROUP BY isprospect;


Consider a table customers, with one row per customer, and columns:

age int
income real
married boolean
children int
car boolean

To understand your customers better, you may want to group these customers based on similarity across these attributes. Note that, unlike the classifier, we do not have a apriori input on these groups; there is no "target", and all the columns in the input are "feature" columns.

A clusterer is the right tool for this task. A clusterer maps data instances to one among a finite set of "clusters", such that data instances with similar features belong to the same cluster, and data instances with dissimilar features belong to different clusters. The clusterer can be trained given the feature values of a set of representative data instances, called the "training data".

In the example above, the table customers is the training data; each row in the table (representing a unique customer) is a data instance, with the columns as the feature variables. In business terminology, the clusters are market segments, and this task is an instance of market segmentation.

The trained clusterer can be used to assign the data instances to clusters. Since these data instances are assumed to be representative, we can use the same clusterer to map additional customers to clusters. In terms of the example, this means identifying the right market segment for a new customer.

In this section, we show how to train clusterers in Sclera, and use them to assign clusters to new data instances within a SQL query.

Clusterer Training

The formal syntax for creating a classifier is as follows:

CREATE [ { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] CLUSTERER clusterer_name USING table_expression

This creates a classifier with the name specified by clusterer_name. The clusterer is trained using the result of the table expression table_expression, with all the columns in the result as features. The optional TEMPORARY (shortened form: TEMP) modifier creates a clusterer that exists for the duration of the Sclera session only; when the session ends, the clusterer is deleted.

Notice the similarity with the CREATE TABLE AS statement and CREATE CLASSIFIER statement.

In our running example, the following creates the clusterer myclusterer and trains it on the table customers:

> CREATE CLUSTERER myclusterer USING customers;

After the clusterer is created, you can see the clusterer description using the DESCRIBE command:

> DESCRIBE myclusterer;

Clusterer Application

The clusterer training learns a function that computes the cluster for a data instance given the values of all the feature columns. Applying the clusterer on a table involves computing this function on each row of the table.

This feature introduces a new table expression with the following syntax:

table_expression CLUSTERED WITH clusterer_name ( cluster_column_name )

In this expression, the clusterer with the name specified by clusterer_name is used to assign clusters to the rows in the result of the table expression table_expression, which must include all the feature columns present in the data on which the clusterer was trained (it can include additional columns).

The result contains one row per input row. Each row contains all the columns in the input table_expressions and a new column, with the name as specified in cluster_column_name, containing the clusterer output.

Continuing our example, the clusterer can be applied to the table used to train the clusterer (customers in the above example), or to any other table or output of a query, as long as it includes all the feature columns of the training data.

We apply the clusterer to the table customers as follows:

> customers CLUSTERED WITH myclusterer(clusterid);

The output is a table with all columns in customers, and a new column clusterid which, for each row, contains the id of the cluster (an integer) assigned to that row.

This expression can be used in a query just like a table or a view. For instance, the following query gives the count of the customers in each cluster.

> SELECT clusterid, COUNT(*)
  FROM (customers CLUSTERED WITH myclusterer(clusterid))
  GROUP BY clusterid;

Extended Syntax for Using Specific Libraries and Algorithms

The classifier/clusterer syntax above is agnostic of the underlying library. Sclera uses Weka as the default library, and specific classification/clustering algorithms as default. The default library is specified in the configuration file, and can be changed if required to an alternative supported library and the algorithms therein.

The default library can be overriden by explicitly mentioning the library (currently, WEKA) in the CREATE statements.

Moreover, you can select the specific algorithms to use for classification/clustering, and even provide the parameters. The algorithm names and parameters depend on the specific library. Sclera does not interpret the specified algorithm parameters, and merely passes them on to the appropriate APIs of the chosen library.

For instance, the following uses FOOBARML as the underlying library for creating the classifier (instead of the default, as earlier):

> CREATE FOOBARML CLASSIFIER myclassifier(isinterested) USING survey;

(The above assumes that a plugin for FOOBAR has been installed.)

The following specifies the use of SIMPLEKMEANS algorithm for clustering in Weka:


To further specify cluster counts as 3 (overriding the default 2):

> CREATE WEKA CLUSTERER("SIMPLEKMEANS", "-N 3") myclusterer USING customers;

The extended formal syntax for classification/clustering, incorporating these overrides, is discussed below.

Extended Syntax for Classification

The extended formal syntax for creating a classifier is as follows:

CREATE [ { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] [ library_name ] CLASSIFIER [ ( algorithm_name [ , algorithm_options ] ) ] classifier_name ( target_column_name ) USING table_expression
  • The optional library_name specifies the machine learning library to use for the task.
  • The optional algorithm_name identifies the algorithm to be used in training the classifier.
  • The optional algorithm_options provides the configuration options (parameters) for the algorithm identified by algorithm_name.
    • These options are passed as a single string, just as in a command line.
    • Please refer to the Weka documentation the respective algorithms, linked above, for details of the accepted options and defaults.
    • If not specified, the default parameters for the specified algorithm are used.
  • Remaining parameters are as in the abridged syntax discussed earlier.

Extended Syntax for Clustering

The extended formal syntax for creating an clusterer is as follows:

CREATE [ { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] [ library_name ] CLUSTERER [ ( algorithm_name [ , algorithm_options ] ) ] clusterer_name USING table_expression
  • The optional library_name specifies the machine learning library to use for the task.
  • The optional algorithm_name identifies the algorithm to be used in training the clusterer.
  • The optional algorithm_options provides the configuration options (parameters) for the algorithm identified by algorithm_name.
    • These options are passed as a single string, just as in a command line.
    • Please refer to the Weka documentation the respective algorithms, linked above, for details of the accepted options and defaults.
    • If not specified, the default parameters for the specified algorithm are used.
  • Remaining parameters are as in the abridged syntax discussed earlier.