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Selecting the Optimal

While computing the optimal (MAX or MIN) of an expression is straightforward in SQL, retrieving the rows that contain the optimal value is remarkably tedious and inefficient.

As a simple example, consider the table table vhclicks containing (simplified) clickstream data for an e-commerce site. It contains a row for each page visited, containing the visitor identifier visitorid, time of visit visittime, page type pagetype, and the number of "hovers" by the visitor on the page hcount.

> vhclicks;
 1         | 10:21:03  | login    | 1      
 1         | 10:24:39  | prodview | 10     
 1         | 10:27:14  | logout   | 1      
 2         | 10:21:04  | login    | 1      
 2         | 10:22:10  | search   | 5      
 2         | 10:27:15  | logout   | 1      
 2         | 11:01:22  | login    | 1      
 1         | 11:01:23  | login    | 1      
 2         | 11:02:33  | prodview | 7      
 2         | 11:04:10  | search   | 10     
 2         | 11:05:47  | prodview | 5      
 1         | 11:05:48  | prodview | 9      
 2         | 11:07:19  | checkout | 3      
 2         | 11:09:52  | prodview | 10     
 2         | 11:13:21  | logout   | 1      
 1         | 11:13:22  | logout   | 1      
(16 rows)

Now, suppose we want to retrieve the rows for pages with the greatest hcount visited after 11:00. Here is how we perform this simple task in standard SQL.

  FROM vhclicks
  WHERE hcount = (
    SELECT MAX(hcount) FROM vhclicks WHERE visittime > '11:00:00'::time
  ) AND visittime > '11:00:00'::time;
 2         | 11:04:10  | search   | 10     
 2         | 11:09:52  | prodview | 10     
(2 rows)

Notice the redundancy -- we need to specify the condition twice, which could be painful and error-prone for a complex WHERE clause. Moreover, this takes two passes over the data, and the WHERE clause is evaluated twice. This is clearly undesirable for large datasets.

Sclera provides a construct, called ARG, that eliminates the redundancy and inefficiencies in syntax as well as execution of the above query. In Sclera, we can frame the same query as:

> (vhclicks WHERE visittime > '11:00:00'::time) ARG MAX(hcount)
 2         | 11:04:10  | search   | 10     
 2         | 11:09:52  | prodview | 10     
(2 rows)

Unlike the earlier query, this query is evaluated in a single pass over the data.

We can think of ARG as a special "filter", similar to WHERE and HAVING. However, while WHERE and HAVING compute their output by applying a condition one row at a time, the output rows of ARG is computed based on the entire input (or the input partition).

We can get the rows containing optimal values for multiple aggregates as well -- the following query returns the row with the earliest visittime past 11:00, in addition to the rows above.

> (vhclicks WHERE visittime > '11:00:00'::time) ARG (MAX(hcount), MIN(visittime));
 2         | 11:04:10  | search   | 10     
 2         | 11:09:52  | prodview | 10     
 2         | 11:01:22  | login    | 1      
(3 rows)

It is easy to do a cascaded computation. For instance, to find the row with the earliest visittime among those with the greatest hcount across pages visited after 11:00, we say:

> (vhclicks WHERE visittime > '11:00:00'::time) ARG MAX(hcount) ARG MIN(visittime);
 2         | 11:04:10  | search   | 10     
(1 row)

We can use ARG with the MATCH operator as well. For instance, the following query finds the product views on which visitor id 1 hovered the most in a session:

> (vhclicks WHERE visitorid = 1 ORDER BY visittime) ARG prodview.MAX(hcount)
  OVER MATCH "login.(prodview | search | checkout)*.logout" ON pagetype;
 1         | 10:24:39  | prodview | 10     
 1         | 11:05:48  | prodview | 9      
(2 rows)

A set of rows will be output for every match of the MATCH regular expression. Note that the order of the input is relevant for the above query.

ARG on Partitioned Input

We can use ARG on partitioned input. The following query find the pages with the highest hcount for each visitor after 11:00.

> (vhclicks WHERE visittime > '11:00:00'::time) PARTITION BY visitorid ARG MAX(hcount);
 2         | 11:04:10  | search   | 10     
 2         | 11:09:52  | prodview | 10     
 1         | 11:05:48  | prodview | 9      
(3 rows)

Similarly, the following query finds, for each visitor, the product views on which the visitor hovered the most in a session:

> (vhclicks ORDER BY visittime) PARTITION BY visitorid ARG prodview.MAX(hcount)
  OVER MATCH "login.(prodview | search | checkout)*.logout" ON pagetype;
 1         | 10:24:39  | prodview | 10     
 2         | 11:09:52  | prodview | 10     
 1         | 11:05:48  | prodview | 9      
(3 rows)

ARG Syntax

This section introduced a new table expression with the following syntax:

table_expression [ PARTITION BY ( partn_columns ) ]
ARG ( [ label . ] aggr_func ( aggr_params ) [, ...] )
[ [ OVER ] match_expression ]


  • table_expression is an arbitrary table expression.
  • partn_columns is an optional comma-separated list of columns in the result of table_expression. When specified:
    • The result of table_expression is partitioned on this set of columns; the aggregation happens independently on the rows within each partition.
  • aggr_func is an aggregate function
  • aggr_params is a comma-separated list of scalar expressions, all of whose column references are contained in the result of table_alias. These are the parameters of the aggregate function aggr_func.
  • match_expression is an optional MATCH expression
  • label is optional. When specified, it can be:
    • When MATCH is not present, it is the table_alias for the table_expression, or
    • When MATCH is present, it is a label identifying a subsequence in the MATCH regular expression.